

Upcoming work

  • The Canadian Traveller Problem on outerplanar graphs. With L. Beaudou, P. Bergé, V. Chernyshev, A. Dailly, Y. Gerard, V. Limouzy and L. Pastor. Accepted to MFCS’24 [ArXiV]
  • Local certification of geometric graph classes. With O. Defrain, L. Esperet, P. Morin, JF. Raymond. Accepted to MFCS’24 [ArXiV]
  • (2K2, W4)-free graphs are ω +1 colorable. With N. Bousquet. In preparation

Journal papers

  • Connected greedy colourings of perfect graphs and other classes: the good, the bad and the ugly. With L. Beaudou, C. Brosse, O. Defrain, F. Foucaud, V. Limouzy, and L. Pastor. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 25(2), 2024 [DOI | ArXiV]
  • Efficient enumeration of maximal split subgraphs and sub-cographs and related classes. With C. Brosse, V. Limouzy, A. Mary and L. Pastor. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 345:34-51, 2024 [DOI| ArXiV]
  • On Vizing’s edge colouring question. With M. Bonamy, O. Defrain, T. Klimošová and J. Narboni. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B,159:126-139, 2023 [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Revisiting a theorem by Folkman on graph colouring. With M. Bonamy, P. Charbit, O. Defrain, G. Joret, V. Limouzy, L. Pastor, and J.-S. Sereni. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(1), P1.56, 2020 [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Decomposition techniques for the Clique-Stable set Separation problem. With Nicolas Bousquet, Frédéric Maffray and Lucas Pastor. Discrete Mathematics, 341(5):1492-1501, 2018. [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Coloring graphs with no even hole of length at least 6 : the triangle-free caseElectronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24(3), #P3.8, 2017. [DOI | ArXiv].
  • Coloring perfect graphs with bounded clique number. With Maria Chudnovsky, Paul Seymour and Sophie Spirkl.  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 122:757-775, 2017 . [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Clique Stable separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew partition. With Théophile Trunck. Discrete Mathematics, 339(6):1809-1825, 2016. [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Identifying codes and VC-dimension. With Nicolas Bousquet, Zhentao Li, Aline Parreau and Stéphan Thomassé. SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 29(4):2047-2064, 2015. [DOI | ArXiv] (A short conference version appeared in BGW’14).
  • Strong edge-coloring of (3, delta)-bipartite graphs. With Julien Bensmail and Petru Valicov. Discrete Mathematics, 339(1):391-398, 2015. [DOI | ArXiv]
  • The Erdös-Hajnal conjecture for paths and antipaths. With Nicolas Bousquet and Stéphan Thomassé.  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B, 113:261-264, 2015. [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Clique versus Independent Set. With Nicolas Bousquet and Stéphan Thomassé. European Journal of Combinatorics, 40:73-92, 2014. [DOI | ArXiv]
  • Flooding games on graphs. With Mathilde Noual and Eric Thierry. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 164(2):532-538, 2014. [DOI | HAL]

Conference papers

Book chapter


  • The complexity of Shortest Common Supersequence for inputs with no identical consecutive letters, with Sébastien Tavenas. [ArXiv]
  • Master 2 Internship with Stéphan Thomassé (Team MC2, LIP , ENS Lyon): Quasi-P versus P (view through the Alon-Saks-Seymour conjecture, and the Clique versus Stable Set problem). My report and my slides.
  • Master 1 Internship with Andreas Maletti (IMS, Universität Stuttgart): Composition of extended top-down tree transducers. My report and my slides.
  • Licence 3 Internship with Eric Thierry (Team MC2, LIP , ENS Lyon): Jeux d’inondations dans les graphes. My report (in french) and my slides (in french). Partial translation of my report (in english) on arXiv.

Some talks:

DatePlace & TitleSlides
2024 – June 17ACRO Seminar, LIS, Marseillehere
↪ Online algorithm for the Canadian Traveler Problem on outerplanar graphs
2023 – June 2Journées du laboratoire G-SCOP, Loriol-sur-Drômehere
↪ Enumeration et reconfiguration combinatoire dans les graphes
2023 – Apr 5GT Graphes selected speaker, Journées Nationales du GDR-IM, Parishere
↪ Enumeration algorithms in graphs
2021 – Nov 17Invited speaker at Journées Graphes et Algorithmes ’21, onlinehere
↪ Algorithmes d’énumération de réparations de graphes
2018 – Nov 930th anniversary of the LIP, ENS Lyonhere
↪ Graphes : structure et algorithmes
2018 – June 4Mini-symposium on Graph Coloring
SIAM conference on Discrete Maths – Denver, USA
↪ Coloring (2K2, W4)-free graphs
2017 – Oct 3Reading group « Distributed Algorithms and Structures », JCRAA – G-SCOP, Grenoblehere
↪ Lower bounds, based on Göös, Hirvonen and Suomela work
2016 – Nov 17JGA (Journées Graphes et Algorithmes) – LAMSADE, Paris
Charles Delorme Prize
↪ Coloring perfect graphs with bounded clique number
2015 – Oct 15Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton Universityhere
↪ Clique-Stable set Separation
2015 – July 3GOAL Seminar, LIRIS, University Lyon 1here
↪ Coloring graphs with no even holes of length at least 6: the triangle-free case
2014 – Dec 4G-SCOP Seminar, University of Grenoblehere
↪ From extended formulations of polytopes to the Clique-Stablet Set separation
2014 – Nov 19Conference BGW’2014, Bordeauxhere
↪ Identifying codes and VC-dimension
2014 – Nov 142nd Lyon-Sao Paulo Research Workshop, Sao Paulo, Brazilhere
↪ Extended formulations of polytopes and Communication Complexity
2013 – Dec 19Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs, Bertinoro, Italyhere
↪ Clique Stable Set separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew partition
2013 – Nov 14JGA (Journées Graphes et Algorithmes) – LRI, Orsayhere
↪ Clique Stable Set separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partition
2013 – April 8EJC (Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs) – University of Perpignanhere
↪ 10 minutes to understand the Clique-Stable set Separation
2012 – Nov 15JGA (Journées Graphes et Algorithmes) – LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrandhere
↪ Quasi P versus P: The Polynomial Alon-Saks- Seymour conjecture and related problems