I have moved to Saarbrücken. Please visit my new website : https://florianhoersch.wordpress.com/
My CV can be found here.
I am interested in all kinds of discrete mathematics, in particular both structural and algorithmic graph theory and matroid theory. Most of my current research is related to connectivity in undirected and directed graphs and the interplay of both.
- Matroid fragility and relaxations of circuit hyperplanes, with J. Geelen, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2020,
- Eulerian orientations and vertex-connectivity, with Z. Szigeti, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2021,
- Connectivity of orientations of 3-edge-connected graphs, with Z. Szigeti, to appear in European Journal of Combinatorics,
- The (2,k)-connectivity augmentation problem: Algorithmic aspects, with Z. Szigeti, submitted,
- Reachability in arborescence packings, with Z. Szigeti, submitted,
- Packing of mixed hyperarborescences with flexible roots via matroid intersection, with Z. Szigeti, submitted,
- Checking the admissibility of odd-vertex pairings is hard, submitted.