I was born in La Seyne-sur-Mer and grew up in Aix-en-Provence. I did two years of scientific preparatory classes in my former high school, the Lycée Paul Cézanne.
Then I studied three years in the ENS de Lyon, where I obtained both my Licence and Master degrees in Fundamental Computer Sciences.
In the context of the “Diplôme de l’ENS de Lyon” (which basically consisted in achieving a long series of terribly difficult and useless administrative tasks to end with an additional diplom), I did did two long research internships during the 2021-2022 scholar year, in the MC2 team of ENS de Lyon and then in the ACRO team of LIS-lab in Marseille. Because of COVID pandemics these internships were mainly remote.
Now I am a PhD student in the Combinatorial Optimization team in G-SCOP, Grenoble, under the supervision of Louis Esperet. I am also co-supervised by Stéphan Thomassé.
I am also an elected doctoral student at the conseil du collège doctoral de l’UGA.