Professeur Grenoble INP Génie industriel

Laboratoire G-SCOP – UMR 5272

Phone  +33 688 402 115

Postal Address : Grenoble INP

46 Av. Felix Viallet

38031 Grenoble FRANCE



Colloque national AIP Primeca 2017 La Plagne -  Inscrivez vous




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Dr. Tollenaere received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Grenoble INP in 1991. He has been a Professor of Management of Information Systems (MIS) at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP) since 1996 and does his research at G-SCOP. Dr. Tollenaere specialises in product lifecycle management and production quality management. He served as Director AIP Primeca from 2001 till 2007. He has led research team SIREP at G-SCOP from 2007 till 2013. He successfully led the Master’s program MIT, speciality industrial engineering, from 2011 till 2014 and also acted as head of industrial relations department from 2011 till 2013 at Grenoble Institute of Technology. Mr. Tollenaere has supervised 25 PhD students and has published 117 publications. He led many research contracts with industrial partners, as Airbus, Audros, EADS, Eurocopter, Peugeot, Renault, Schneider Electric and ST Microelectronics. He was the head of IMPROVE and INTEGRATE programs for G-SCOP lab. His teaching interests are MIS, product life cycle management and project management.