- F. Maffray. Sur l'existence de noyaux dans les
graphes parfaits. Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université
Paris VI, France, 1984.
- F. Maffray. On kernels in i-triangulated graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 61 (1986), 247-252.
- F. Maffray, H. Meyniel. On the relationship between Hadwiger
and stability numbers. Discrete Mathematics 64 (1987), 39-42.
- C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray. Opposition graphs are
quasi-parity graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 5 (1989), 83-85.
- F. Maffray. Structural Aspects of Perfect Graphs.
PhD thesis, RUTCOR Dissertation #3-89, Rutgers University, New Brunswick,
NJ, USA, 1989.
- R. Hayward, C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray. Optimizing
weakly triangulated graphs.
Graphs and Combinatorics 5 (1989), 339-349. Erratum in volume 6 (1990),
- P.L. Hammer, F. Maffray. Completely separable graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 27 (1990), 85-99 (Special Issue, Workshop in
Computational Combinatorics).
- C. Benzaken, Y. Crama, P. Duchet, P.L. Hammer,
F. Maffray. More characterizations of triangulated and
cotriangulated graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 14 (1990), 413-422.
- P.L. Hammer, F. Maffray, M. Queyranne. Cut-threshold graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 30 (1991), 163-179.
- C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. New properties of
perfectly orderable graphs and strongly perfect graphs. Discrete
Mathematics 98 (1991), 161-174.
- F. Maffray. Kernels in perfect line-graphs. Journal of
Combinatorial Theory, series B, 55 (1992), 1-8.
- C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray. On slim graphs, even pairs and
star-cutsets. Discrete Mathematics 105 (1992), 93-102.
- C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray, S. Olariu, M. Preissmann. A charming
class of perfectly orderable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 102 (1992),
- F. Maffray. Une étude structurelle des graphes
parfaits. Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble, 1992.
- P.L. Hammer, F. Maffray. Preperfect graphs. Combinatorica 13
(1993), 199-208.
- M. Blidia, P. Duchet, F. Maffray. On kernels in perfect graphs.
Combinatorica 13 (1993), 231-233.
- F. Maffray. Antitwins in partitionable graphs. Discrete
Mathematics 112 (1993), 275-278.
- L.Z. Cai, F. Maffray. On the spanning k-tree problem. Discrete
Applied Mathematics 44 (1993), 139-156 (Special Issue dedicated to the
memory of Martin Farber).
- F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Linear recognition of pseudo-split
graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 52 (1994), 307-312.
- M. Blidia, P. Duchet, F. Maffray. On the orientation of Meyniel
graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 18 (1994), 705-711.
- F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Perfect graphs with no P5 and no K5.
Graphs and Combinatorics 10 (1994), 179-184.
- E. Dahlhaus, P.L. Hammer, F. Maffray, S. Olariu. On domination
elimination orderings and domination graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 903 (Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 20th
International Workshop, WG 94), Springer Verlag, 1994.
- F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Split neighbourhood graphs and the strong
perfect graph conjecture. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B, 63
(1995), 294-309.
- M. Blidia, P. Duchet, F. Maffray. Les graphes faiblement
triangulés sans P5 sont C-parfaits. Maghreb Math. Rev. 5
(1996), 13-24.
- J. Lehel, F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Graphs with maximum number of
minimum cuts. Discrete Applied Mathematics 65 (1996), 387-407.
- A. Gyárfás, D. Kratsch, J. Lehel, F. Maffray. Minimal
non-neighbourhood perfect graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 21 (1996),
- C.T. Hoàng, S. Hougardy, F. Maffray. On the structure of
perfect graphs, 5: Overlap graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory B,
67 (1996), 212-237.
- F. Maffray, O. Porto, M. Preissmann. A generalization of simplicial
elimination orderings. Journal of Graph Theory, 23 (1996),
- F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. On the NP-completeness of the
k-colorability problem for triangle-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics
162 (1996), 313-317.
- H. Aït Haddadène, F. Maffray. Coloring degenerate
perfect graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 163 (1997), 211-215.
- H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, C. Linhares-Sales, F. Maffray, O.
Porto, B. Reed. Path parity and perfection. Discrete Mathematics,
165-166 (1997), 233-252.
- S. Gravier, F. Maffray. Choice number of 3-colorable elementary
graphs. Discrete Mathematics 165-166 (1997), 343-348.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray, O. Porto. On the structure of
bull-free perfect graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 13 (1997),
- C. Linhares-Sales, F. Maffray, B. Reed. On planar perfectly
contractile graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 13 (1997), 167-187.
- H. Aït Haddadène, S. Gravier, F. Maffray. An algorithm
for coloring some perfect graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 183 (1998),
- S. Gravier, F. Maffray. Graphs whose choice number is equal to their
chromatic number. Journal of Graph Theory, 27 (1998), 87-97.
- C. Linhares-Sales, F. Maffray. Even pairs in claw-free perfect
graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, 74 (1998), 169-191.
- G. Bacsó, E. Boros, V. Gurvich, F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. On
minimal imperfect graphs with circular symmetry. Journal of Graph
Theory 29 (1998), 209-225.
- F. Maffray, B.A. Reed. A description of claw-free perfect
graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, 75 (1999), 134-156.
- F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Sequential colorings and perfect
graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 94 (1999), 287-296.
- C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray, M. Noy. A characterization of
P4-indifference graphs. Journal of Graph Theory, 31 (1999), 155-162.
- M. Blidia, P. Duchet, H. Jacob, F. Maffray, H. Meyniel. Some
operations preserving the existence of kernels. Discrete Mathematics
205 (1999), 211-216.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray, O. Porto. On the structure of
bull-free perfect graphs, 2: The weakly chordal case. Graphs and
Combinatorics 17 (2001), 435-456.
- C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray, B.A. Reed.
Recognizing planar strict quasi-parity graphs. Graphs and
Combinatorics 17 (2001), 745-757.
- H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray, O.
Porto, B.A. Reed. Even pairs. In: Perfect graphs,
J.L. Ramirez-Alfonsin and B.A. Reed Eds., J. Wiley (2001), 67-92.
- F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. A translation of Tibor
Gallai's paper: Transitiv orientierbare Graphen. In: Perfect
graphs, J.L. Ramirez-Alfonsin and B.A. Reed Eds., J. Wiley
(2001), 25-66.
- S. Gravier, C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray. Coloring the hypergraph
of maximal cliques of a graph with no long path. Discrete Mathematics
272 (2003), 285-290.
- C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray. Even pairs in square-free Berge
graphs. Matemática Contemporânea 25 (2003), 161-176.
- F. Maffray. On the coloration of perfect graphs. In: Recent
Advances in Algorithmic Combinatorics (Proc. 1st Brazilian School on
Combinatorics and Algorithms). C. Linhares Sales and
B.A. Reed Eds. Springer (CMS books in Mathematics), 2003.
- S. Gravier, F. Maffray, B. Mohar. On a list-coloring problem.
Discrete Mathematics 268 (2003), 303-308.
- S. Gravier, F. Maffray. On the choice number of claw-free
perfect graphs. Discrete Mathematics 276 (2004), 211-218.
- C.T. Hoàng, S. Hougardy, F. Maffray, N.V.R. Mahadev.
On simplicial and co-simplicial vertices in graphs. Discrete Applied
Mathematics 138 (2004), 117-132.
- S. Dantas, S. Gravier, F. Maffray. Extremal graphs for the
list-coloring version of a theorem of Nordhaus and Gaddum. Discrete
Applied Mathematics 141 (2004), 93-101.
- S. Gravier, F. Maffray, J. Renault, N. Trotignon. Ramsey-type
results on singletons, co-singletons and monotone sequences in large
collections of sets. European Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2004),
- C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray. On dart-free perfectly contractile
graphs. Theoretical Computer Science 321 (2004), 171-194.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray. Optimizing bull-free perfect
graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 18 (2004), 226-240.
- M. Blidia, M. Chellali, F. Maffray. On average lower independence
and domination numbers in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 295 (2005),
- M. Chellali, A. Khelladi, F. Maffray. Exact double domination in
graphs. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 25 (2005) 291-302.
- F. Maffray, N. Trotignon. Algorithms for perfectly contractile
graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005) 553-574.
- F. Maffray, N. Trotignon. A class of perfectly contractile
graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 96 (2006),
- M. Blidia, M. Chellali, F. Maffray. Extremal graphs for a new upper
bound on domination parameters in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306
(2006) 2314-2326.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray. A
characterization of P4-comparability graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306
(2006) 2461-2472.
- M. Burlet, F. Maffray, N. Trotignon. Odd pairs of cliques. In:
Graph Theory in Paris, Proc. Conf. in Memory of Claude Berge. A.
Bondy, J. Fonlupt, J.-L. Fouquet, J.-C. Fournier, J.L.
Ramírez-Alfonsín (Eds.), Trends in Mathematics,
Birkhäuser Verlag, 2006, pp. 85-95.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray, C.R. Villela Maciel. Even pairs in
bull-reducible graphs. In: Graph Theory in Paris, Proc. Conf.
in Memory of Claude Berge. A. Bondy, J. Fonlupt, J.-L. Fouquet,
J.-C. Fournier, J.L. Ramírez-Alfonsín (Eds.), Trends in
Mathematics, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2006, pp. 179-195.
- F. Maffray, D. Rautenbach. Small step-dominating sets in trees.
Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007) 1212-1215.
- M. Blidia, M. Chellali, F. Maffray, J. Moncel, A. Semri.
Locating-domination and identifying codes in trees. Australasian
Journal of Combinatorics 39 (2007), 219-232.
- V. Jost, B. Lévêque, F. Maffray. Precoloring extension
of co-Meyniel graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 23 (2007)
- B. Lévêque, F. Maffray. Coloring bull-free perfectly
contractile graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 21 (2008)
- F. Maffray, N. Trotignon, K. Vuskovic. Algorithms for
square-3PC(.,.)-free Berge graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete
Mathematics 22 (2008) 51-71.
- C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray, B. Reed. On planar quasi-parity
graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 22 (2008) 329-347.
- M. Blidia, M. Chellali, F. Maffray. Extremal perfect graphs for a
bound on the domination number. Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008)
- B. Lévêque, F. Maffray, B. Reed, N. Trotignon. Coloring
Artemis graphs. Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009) 2234-2240.
- M. Blidia, F. Maffray, Z. Zemir. On b-colorings in regular
graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009) 1787-1793.
- J. Lehel, F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Maximum directed cuts in
digraphs with degree restriction. Journal of Graph Theory 61 (2009)
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán, F. Maffray, J. Marenco, M. Valencia-Pabon.
On the b-coloring of cographs and P4-sparse graphs. Graphs and
Combinatorics 25 (2009) 153-167.
- F. Maffray, M. Mechebbek. On b-perfect chordal graphs. Graphs
and Combinatorics 25 (2009) 365-375.
- B. Lévêque, F. Maffray, M. Preissmann. Characterizing
path graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs. Journal of Graph Theory 62
(2009) 369-384.
- C.T. Hoàng, C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray. On minimally
b-imperfect graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009)
- B. Lévêque, D. Lin, F. Maffray, N. Trotignon. Detecting
induced subgraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009)
- F. Maffray. Stable sets in k-colorable P5-free graphs.
Information Processing Letters 109 (2009) 1235-1237.
- S. Khelifi, M. Blidia, M. Chellali, F. Maffray. Double domination
edge removal critical graphs. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 48
(2010) 285-299.
- M. Chellali, F. Maffray, K. Tablennehas. Connected domination
dot-critical graphs. Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 5 (2010)
- M. Blidia, M. Chellali, R. Lounes, F. Maffray. Characterizations of
trees with unique minimum locating-dominating sets. Journal of
Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 76 (2011)
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray, C.R. Villela Maciel. Transitive
orientations in bull-reducible graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics
159 (2011) 561-573.
- M.C. Golumbic, F. Maffray, G. Morel. A characterization of chain
probe graphs. Annals of Operations Research 188 (2011) 175-183.
- S. Dantas, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M.C. Golumbic, S. Klein, F. Maffray.
The chain graph sandwich problem. Annals of Operations Research
188 (2011) 133-139.
- T. Karthick, F. Maffray. A characterization of claw-free b-perfect graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 324-330.
- M. Chellali, F. Maffray. Dominator colorings in some classes of graphs.
Graphs and Combinatorics 28 (2012) 97-107.
M. Blidia, N. Ikhlef-Eschouf, F. Maffray.
Characterization of bγ-perfect graphs.
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, 9 (2012) 21-29.
M. Blidia, N. Ikhlef-Eschouf, F. Maffray.
b-coloring of some bipartite graphs.
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 53 (2012) 67-76.
- A. Brandstädt, V. Giakoumakis, F. Maffray.
Clique separator decomposition of hole-free and diamond-free graphs
and algorithmic consequences.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 471-478.
- K. Cameron,, B. Lévêque, F. Maffray.
Coloring vertices of a graph or finding a Meyniel obstruction.
Theoretical Computer Science 428 (2012) 10-17.
- F. Maffray, A. Silva. b-colouring outerplanar graphs with large girth.
Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 1796-1803.
B. Lévêque, F. Maffray, N. Trotignon. On graphs with no induced subdivision of K4.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 102 (2012) 924-947.
V. Campos, A. Gyárfás, F. Havet, C. Linhares Sales, F. Maffray. New bounds on the Grundy
number of products of graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 71 (2012) 78-88.
C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray, M. Mechebbek. A characterization of b-perfect graphs.
Journal of Graph Theory 71 (2012) 95-122.
S. Dantas, F. Maffray, A. Silva. 2k2-Partition of some classes of graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 2662-2668.
F. Maffray, G. Morel. On 3-colorable P5-free graphs. SIAM
Journal on Discrete Mathematics 26 (2012) 1682-1708.
M. Blidia, N. Ikhlef-Eschouf, F. Maffray. On vertex b-critical trees.
Opuscula Mathematica 33 (2013) 19-28.
L. Esperet, L. Lemoine, F. Maffray, G. Morel. The chromatic number
of {P5, K4}-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013) 743-754.
L. Esperet, J. van den Heuvel, F. Maffray, F. Sipma.
Fire containment in planar graphs.
Journal of Graph Theory 73 (2013) 267-279.
F. Maffray, A. Silva.
b-colouring the Cartesian product of trees and some other graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 650-669.
F. Maffray. Fast recognition of doubled graphs.
Theoretical Computer Science 516 (2014) 96-100.
L. Esperet, A. Gyárfás, F. Maffray.
List-coloring claw-free graphs with small clique number.
Graphs and Combinatorics 30 (2014) 365-375.
N. Ikhlef Eschouf, M. Blidia, F. Maffray.
On edge-b-critical graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 180 (2015) 176-180.
S. Dantas, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray, R.B. Teixeira.
The complexity of forbidden subgraph sandwich problems and the skew partition sandwich problem.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 182 (2015) 15-24.
A. Berry, A. Brandstädt, V. Giakoumakis, F. Maffray.
Efficiently decomposing, recognizing and triangulating hole-free graphs without diamonds.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 184 (2015) 50-61.
J.-L. Fouquet, F. Maffray.
Domination, coloring and stability in P5-reducible graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 184 (2015) 122-129.
L. Esperet, L. Lemoine, F. Maffray.
Equitable partition of graphs into induced forests.
Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015) 1481-1483.
F. Maffray.
Graphs with no induced wheel and no induced antiwheel
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 9 (2015) 357-366.
F. Maffray.
Even pairs in square-free Berge graphs.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 49 (2015) 173-180.
T. Karthick, F. Maffray.
Weighted independent sets in classes of P6-free graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 209 (2016) 217-226.
T. Karthick, F. Maffray.
Vizing bound for the chromatic number on some graph classes.
Graphs and Combinatorics 32 (2016) 1447-1460.
S. Gravier, F. Maffray, L. Pastor.
On the choosability of claw-free perfect graphs.
Graphs and Combinatorics 32 (2016) 2393-2413.
T. Karthick, F. Maffray.
Maximum weight independent sets in (S113, bull)-free graphs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (COCOON 2016, T.N. Dinh and M.T. Thai
Eds.) 9797 (2016) 385-392.
F. Maffray, L. Pastor.
The maximum weight stable set problem in (P6, bull)-free graphs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (WG 2016, P. Heggernes Ed.) 9941 (2016) 85-96.
L. Esperet, L. Lemoine, F. Maffray.
Long induced paths in graphs.
European Journal of Combinatorics 62 (2017) 1-14.
H.S. Dhaliwal, A.M. Hamel, C.T. Hoàng,
F. Maffray, T.J.D. McConnell, S.A. Panait.
On color-critical (P5, co-P5)-free graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 216 (2017) 142-148.
T. Karthick, F. Maffray. Maximum weight independent sets in classes related to
claw-free graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 216 (2017) 233-239.
M. Chudnovsky, L. Esperet, L. Lemoine, P. Maceli, F. Maffray, I. Penev.
Graphs with no induced five-vertex path or antipath.
Journal of Graph Theory 84 (2017) 221-232.
L. Esperet, L. Lemoine, F. Maffray.
Small feedback vertex sets in planar digraphs.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24(2) (2017) P2.6.
F. Maffray, L. Pastor. 4-coloring (P6, bull)-free graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 231 (2017) 198-210.
D.J. Fraser, A.M. Hamel, C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray.
A coloring algorithm for 4K1-free line graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 234 (2018) 76-85.