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@InProceedings{ccelw-scsh-06, author = "Chambers, Erin W. and Colin de Verdi{\`e}re, {\'E}ric and Erickson, Jeff and Lazarus, Francis and Whittlesey, Kim", title = "Splitting (complicated) surfaces is hard", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry)", pages = "421-429", year = 2006, month = jun }@Article{cl-oslos-05, author = "Colin de Verdi{\`e}re, {\'E}ric and Lazarus, Francis", title = "Optimal System of Loops on an Orientable Surface", journal = "Discrete & Computational Geometry", volume = "33", number = "3", pages = "507-534", year = 2005, month = mar } @inproceedings{cl-opdsc-03, author = "Colin de Verdi{\`e}re, {\'E}ric and Lazarus, Francis", title = "Optimal Pants Decomposition and Shortest Cycles on an Orientable Surface", booktitle = "11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing, LNCS 2912", pages = "478-490", address = "Perugia, Italy", year = 2003, month = sep } @inproceedings{cl-oslos-02, author = "Colin de Verdi{\`e}re, {\'E}ric and Lazarus, Francis", title = "Optimal System of Loops on an Orientable Surface", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "627-636", address = "Vancouver, Canada", year = 2002, month = nov } @inproceedings{lpvv-ccpso-01, author = "F. Lazarus and M. Pocchiola and G. Vegter and A. Verroust", title= "Computing a Canonical Polygonal Schema of an Orientable Triangulated Surface", booktitle="17th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry", address= "Tufts University, Medford, USA", month=jun, year = 2001 }
@Article{lv-3dms-98, author = "Francis Lazarus and Anne Verroust", title = "Three-dimensional metamorphosis: a survey", journal = "The Visual Computer", year = "1998", volume = "14", number = "8/9", pages = "373-389 ", month = dec, note = "ISSN 0178-2789", } @Article{lv-mclo-97, author = "Francis Lazarus and Anne Verroust", title = "Metamorphosis of Cylinder-like Objects", journal = "The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation", year = "1997", volume = "8", number = "3", pages = "131--146", note = "ISSN 1049-8907", } @inproceedings{lv-fbstp-94, author = "F. Lazarus and A. Verroust", title="Feature-based shape transformation for polyhedral objects", booktitle="Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation", address= "Oslo", month=sep, year = 1994 }
@Article{gtlh-cscsp-01, author = "Andr{\'e} Gu{\'e}ziec and Gabriel Taubin and Francis Lazarus and Bill Horn", title = "Cutting and Stitching: Converting Sets of Polygons to Manifold Surfaces" journal = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics", volume = "7", number = "2", pages = "136--151", month = apr / jun, year = "2001" } @Article{gtlh-fsgv-99, author = "Andr{\'e} Gu{\'e}ziec and Gabriel Taubin and Bill Horn and Francis Lazarus", title = "A Framework for Streaming Geometry in {VRML}" journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", volume = "19", number = "2", pages = "68--78", month = mar / apr, year = "1999", url = "http://computer.org/cga/cg1999/g2068abs.htm; http://dlib.computer.org/cg/books/cg1999/pdf/g2068.pdf", } @InProceedings{gtlh-cspms-98, author = "Andr{\'{e}} Gueziec and Gabriel Taubin and Francis Lazarus and William Horn", title = "Converting Sets of Polygons to Manifold Surfaces by Cutting ans Stitching", booktitle = "IEEE Visualization'98", year = "1998", organization = " IEEE Computer society", month = oct, } @InProceedings{tghl-pfsc-98, author = "Gabriel Taubin and Andr{\'{e}} Gueziec and William Horn and Francis Lazarus", title = "Progressive Forest Split Compression", booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Proceedings", editor = "Michael Cohen", series = "Annual Conference Series", year = "1998", organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH", publisher = "Addison Wesley", month = jul, pages = "123--132", note = "ISBN 0-89791-999-8", } @Article{thlr-gcv-98, author = "Gabriel Taubin and William Horn and Francis Lazarus and Jarek Rossignac", title = "Geometry coding and VRML", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE ", year = "1998", volume = "86", number = "6", month = jun, pages = "1228--1243", note = "ISSN 0018-9219", } @InProceedings{gtlh-smptp-98, author = "Andr{\'{e}} Gueziec and Gabriel Taubin and Francis Lazarus and William Horn", title = "Simplicial Maps for Progressive Transmission Polygonal Surfaces", booktitle = "VRML 98: Third Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language", editor = "Don Brutzman and Maureen Stone and Mike Macedonia", year = "1998", organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH / ACM SIGCOMM", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York City, NY", month = feb, note = "ISBN 0-58113-022-8", }
@article {l-sibps-97, author = "Francis Lazarus", title="Smooth interpolation between two polylines in space", year = 1997, journal = "Computer Aided Design", pages= "189-196", month = mar, number= 3, volume = 29 } @article {lcj-adidt-94, author = "Francis Lazarus and Sabine Coquillart and Pierre Janc{\`e}ne", title = "Axial deformations: an intuitive deformation technique", journal="Computer-Aided Design", volume=26, number=8, month=aug, pages="607-613", year=1994 }
@article {vl-esc3d-01, author = "Anne Verroust and Francis Lazarus", title="Extracting Skeletal Curves from 3D Scattered Data", year = 2000, journal = "The Visual Computer", number= 1, volume = 16 } @inproceedings{lv-lsdpo-99, author = "Francis Lazarus and Anne Verroust", title="Level Set Diagrams of Polyhedral Objects", booktitle="ACM Solid Modeling'99", ADDRESS= "Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA", MONTH=jun, YEAR = 1999 } @inproceedings{vl-esc3d-99, author = "Anne Verroust and Francis Lazarus", title="Extracting Skeletal Curves from 3D Scattered Data", booktitle="Shape Modeling International", ADDRESS= "Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan", MONTH=mar, YEAR = 1999 } @article {lv-dcpcs-96, author = "Francis Lazarus and Anne Verroust", title="D{\'e}composition cylindrique de poly{\`e}dre et courbe squelette", year = 1996, journal = "Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Infographie", month = nov, number= 4, volume = 11 }
@misc{l-ccmis-95, author = "Francis Lazarus", title = "Courbes, cylindres et m{\'e}tamorphoses pour l'image de synth{\`e}se", howpublished= "Th\`ese de doctorat en sciences, Universit{\'e} PARIS VII", year = 1995, month = dec }
Last change: lun fév 28 13:26:20 CET 2005
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