Requirements: - java 1.6 The main class: cptpp.jar Usage: -timelimit t : time limit in seconds (t=10 by default) -file f : path to the file (in format of Laporte) -lagr b : b in {true, false} indicate the use lagrangian bound (true by default) -ls b : b in {true, false} indicates the use of a quick local search step around each new improving solution found (false by default) Example: java -Xmx2024m -Xms2024m -cp cptpp.jar -file EEuclideo.50.50.1.tpp -timelimit 10 FILE: EEuclideo.50.50.1.tpp NB_MAG: 49 NB_PROD: 50 TLIM_REACHED: false FEAS: true OBJ: 1856 NB_VISIT: 8 TIME: 0.57 BACK: 16 SOLUTION: [21, 22, 3, 30, 13, 33, 17, 44] CHECKER_COST: 1856