The jar file irmtsolver.jar can be used to reproduce the experiments reported in the paper "Hybrid models for the Multileaf Collimator Sequencing Problem" Java 6 is needed The command line would be the following : java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar imrtsolverbb.jar -mod MODEL -timelimit TIMELIMIT -file INSTANCE -lightbb LBB -verb VERBOSITY -w1 W1 -w2 W2 Cplex is needed for the branch and price approach, so the -Djava.library.path command line argument must refer to the location of a cplex executable (see the examples). Cplex 10 was used in the paper, the present jar is set up to work with cplex 12.1 The arguments are : - MODEL : the model (5 for shortest path, 14 for the branch and price) - TIMELIMIT : the time limit in seconds - INSTANCE : the instance (or a directory in which case it will solve all instances contained in this directory) - VERBOSITY the verbosity (1 to see the solution, 0 to just see a line of latex output). The last line of the output reads as follow. For a lexicographic objective function: name_of_the_instance & time_in_seconds & nodes & optimal_value_of_K For the general objective function: name_of_the_instance & time_in_seconds & nodes & optimal_value_of_objective & optimal_value_of_B & optimal_value_of_K - W1 : the value of the first coefficient w1 in the objective function W1*K + W2*B - W2 : the value of the second coefficient w2 in the objective function W1*K + W2*B - LBB : with LBB = 1, you get the light branch and price where the column generation is only called during the branching on occurrences variables, with LBB = 2, the column generation is called at every node of the search tree. Examples : We call the shortest path cp model with a lexicographic objective function : java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar imrtsolverbb.jar -timelimit 7200 -file m30_10_11.dat -verb 0 -mod 5 We call the shortest path cp model with the objective function minimize K + 7B java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar imrtsolverbb.jar -timelimit 7200 -file m30_10_11.dat -verb 0 -mod 5 -w1 1 -w2 7 We call the light branch and price model with a lexicographic objective function : java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -Djava.library.path=/Users/hcambaza/Documents/hcambaza/cplex/cplex121/bin/x86-64_darwin8_gcc4.0 -jar imrtsolverbb.jar -timelimit 7200 -file m30_10_11.dat -verb 0 -lightbb 1 -mod 14 We call the light branch and price model with the objective function minimize K + 7B java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -Djava.library.path=/Users/hcambaza/Documents/hcambaza/cplex/cplex121/bin/x86-64_darwin8_gcc4.0 -jar imrtsolverbb.jar -timelimit 7200 -file m30_10_11.dat -verb 0 -lightbb 1 -mod 14 -w1 1 -w2 7