The jar file irmtsolver.jar can be used to reproduce the experiments reported in the paper "A shortest Path based approach to the Multileaf Collimator Sequencing Problem" Java 6 is needed The command line would be the following : java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar irmtsolver.jar MODEL TIMELIMIT INSTANCE VERBOSITY The arguments are : - MODEL : the model (5 for shortest path, the others requires cplex or sebastian code) - TIMELIMIT : the time limit in seconds - INSTANCE : the instance (or a directory in which case it will solve all instances contained in this directory) - VERBOSITY the verbosity (1 to see the solution, 0 to just see a line of latex output with the time (in seconds), number of nodes and the optimal value) For example : java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar irmtsolver.jar 5 7200 m40_10_20.dat 1